5 Powerful Tips To Help You Finish What You Started

Have you started a project that you had not finished due to depleting self-motivation, where you start strong, emotionally charged, then you doubt you will finish it, your motivation is reduced, then after a short while you stop working on the project altogether?

Have you had enough of this cycle?

Here are 5 tips to help you finish what you have started:

Write down all your tasks

Tip #1: Get a fresh paper and go through your in-tray, or your files and folders, and jot down all the tasks or projects that you still have to finish. Make sure you write them all down, from the smallest to the biggest, from the ones that will take you 5 minutes to complete to those that require 1 hour or half a day.

Tip #2: Prioritise your tasks

Go through each task on your list and next each one rate its priority level, where 1 is low and 10 is high. Be true and honest with yourself.

Tip #3: Estimate each task

On a separate sheet of paper rewrite the list in order of priority, the highest priority task should be at the top of your list. Next, write down next to each task how long you estimate it might take to complete. Again, be honest and realistic. Don’t overdo it, yet at the same time try not to be too much at ease with them.

Tip #4: When to start each task

The last step before you start is writing next to each task when you anticipate starting it, by date and time. For example, you start the task that’s on top of your list on Monday morning at 10:00, and you estimated it will take you approximately 1 hour to complete, so you could schedule your second task, the second one on your list, at about 11:10 Monday morning, giving yourself a quick 10-minute break between one task and the next.

Tip #5: Finish one task before moving on to the next

Try to keep as close to your estimated time as much as possible. If it seems hard at first, that’s fine. In time you will get used to and love your new way of thinking. To make this process work, you must complete the task you are working on before moving on to the next one as this sets in the process in your mind.

These tips will help you if you are willing to stick with the process. Start with the one on the top of your list and work your way down to completion. After a while, when this process has become a habit you will happily notice that you can keep going even when you are not in the mood when you feel challenged, or have more work added to what you were already working on.

Just one last tip I would like to add is to make sure you drink lots of water. In tip 4 I suggested you take a small break between one task and the next. Make appropriate use of that time, stretch your back and legs, and have a cup of water.

When you keep your body and mind well hydrated you will keep your mind and body awake and energised.

Moving from inaction to action can be as simple as the 5 tips above.

Lose old habits of inaction and replace them with habits of action, habits that take you where you want to go, as opposed to remaining stuck.