What is belief and how does it help us succeed?

Our belief system is the foundation of our actions and decisions in life. It is the driving force behind our motivation and determination to achieve our goals. Life is a journey filled with different colors and presents us with various challenges from time to time. While some obstacles may be small, others may seem insurmountable. … Read more

If At First You Don’t Succeed

Are you suffering from success or lack thereof? Many people wonder what sets successful individuals apart from those who struggle to succeed. Is it luck, timing, or consistent action? While these factors can contribute to success, there is one essential aspect that distinguishes successful people from non-successful ones. It all comes down to their mindset, … Read more

Why You Should Motivate Yourself Now

You should motivate yourself now. Lack of motivation is a significant obstacle that can hinder your progress in achieving your goals. Many people start off feeling enthusiastic and optimistic, but their motivation wanes over time, and they lose the will to take action. As a result, they fail to achieve what they set out to … Read more

Do You Know That Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone?

Life is a journey of continuous growth and learning. However, when we set goals and dreams for ourselves, we often encounter roadblocks that hold us back. Our comfort zone and negative beliefs become a powerful force that inhibits us from taking action towards our aspirations. But remember, “life begins at the end of your comfort … Read more

Are Your Beliefs Holding You Back?

What’s holding you back from achieving your goals? Many of us have tried to quit smoking or lose weight, only to find ourselves right back where we started. The reason? Our self-limiting beliefs. These beliefs, buried deep within our subconscious mind, hold more power over us than we may realize. But the good news is, … Read more

Inside The Mind Of A Master Procrastinator

Inside The Mind Of A Master Procrastinator Here is an interesting challenge for you. Have you ever wondered what’s inside the mind of a master procrastinator? What does the procrastinator tell himself to get out of work, stop what he’s doing, or not even start the objective or task? Well, you need to ponder no … Read more

3 Factors That Make You Hard to Motivate

There will always be times in your life when you have to perform tasks that you deem unpleasant for one reason or another – working with a co-worker you don’t like, going to work on Mondays, taking the garbage out, driving to meet the in-laws at the airport, having dinner with the spouse’s friends… Doing … Read more